Imatra occupational healthcare – new digital services serve both customers and professionals


Imatran Työterveys (occupational healthcare of Imatra) introduced Movendos mClinic remote reception service for their customers at the turn of this year. The occupational healthcare professionals have been offering urgent chat and non-urgent messaging for the employee customers. 

The remote reception of Movendos made our customer service much more fluent. We were able to move rapidly forward with our digital services. The timing of this implementation was excellent and we have been very content. Due to the corona virus situation the importance of remote reception became even more crucial, Administrative Manager of Imatran työterveys Tarja Miikki-Nikku thanks.

Healthcare customers are happy with new remote services

The remote reception has been used for many important basic things like care guidance, laboratory results and renewals of prescriptions. For more, the nurses of remote reception have been assessing the need for doctor appointments. For the end users, employees, the chat has been very practical, as they have been able to contact occupational healthcare when ever the timing is suitable and support needed. Especially the mornings are crowded in the customer service, so with chat the employee customers have not needed to queue in the phone with their questions. The remote reception has also helped in situations, where the customer lives further away. 

Our end customers have been very content and happy with the remote reception. Especially the mobile application of Movendos mClinic has got a lot of positive feedback, because it’s easy to use, clear and the data security is high, Miikki-Nikku tells.

Work processes of professionals have become easier

In the beginning the occupational healthcare professionals felt a bit unsure of the new service model as they were thinking if they are able to ask right questions in the remote reception. Along the way the professionals have become very enthusiastic for the remote reception which they describe as easy to use.

We can say that our professionals have even got new kind of professional pride thanks to this new remote reception. Because it’s integrated in Acute patient information system, our professionals find all the necessary services like Movendos mClinic and health surveys there, Tarja describes.

Adding the remote reception discussions to Acute is easy. The chat discussion is easy to move to patient record. Also the remote doctors have thanked this model, because they can see the earlier discussion and possible photos of the case related to the patient in hand. This makes also the work of doctors easier as they get the right patients with background details to their appointment. 

We have not implemented video appointments, yet. It will be the next step of our remote reception services. It will increase our possibilities for customer service between our professionals and end customers, Tarja plans.

Imatran työterveys has used Movendos health and work ability surveys already for years. Lately they have implemented health and well-being surveys for employees of employer customers, as well as surveys of psycho-social load.

For our employer customers like companies it’s a joy to show comprehensive and visual reports. In big companies we utilize Movendos surveys in health checks as well. We have got good feedback of our progress and development work, Tarja tells.

Comprehensive digital services are important for smaller service providers

After corona started, many employers and their employees became more ready to use digital  remote services. Imatran työterveys is a small service provider, so they have not been able to develop digital services in the same way as big service providers.

Thanks to the Movendos solutions, we can offer our customers similar services as the big healthcare giants do. As we have cooperated with Movendos, the high quality and data security has been present in everything along the way. Movendos service has been friendly, flexible and trustful.  We have also got a lot of help, guidance and coaching from Movendos contacts, Tarja thanks.

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